Saturday 3 October 2015

Introduction to First Project

New Elizabethans

Our very first project brief is called New Elizabethans and we have to do research on the Elizabethan time period. We were told not to just focus on Queen Elizabeth herself and we should also include things such as film clips, music from that era, paintings and also portraiture all linking to this period.

I am going to do a lot of research, not only on Queen Elizabeth but also on the whole era as well. I am really excited to work on this project as I think the Elizabethan period is so fascinating and it was such a key period as it marked the Renaissance in Britain and developed so much art including poetry, paintings, fashion, music and literature. It was known by historians as 'The Golden Age'. We could say we have a link to this time period as our generation now is such a key period in history. The Renaissance and arts changed the Elizabethan Era just like technology has changed our era today.

I don't have a lot of knowledge into this era and Queen Elizabeth but I am very excited to learn and research more and I am going to find out when any exhibitions and shows are on that I can go and visit. I am quite nervous to do the makeup practical side to the project as it will be a completely new experience for me but I am really going to push myself to the limit and work my hardest and be as creative and imaginative as I can be. I am looking forward to working with lots of different new sources  such as wigs and designing my own hair pieces and also creating pieces to go on the face such as accessories and also creating and designing my look as the more practice I have in designing face charts and doing practical work, the better I will become.

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