Friday 6 November 2015

My third final design

I thought for my last design, I would go in a completely different direction with my idea. I went with a gold and orange theme and I kept the gold eyebrows as previously but I'm going to change the style of them so they look slightly different. I decided to step away from contouring in red and do it in gold instead, creating a very modern catwalk design. I also decided to cover the chin, neck and jawline in gold as the rest of the makeup on the face is fairly plain and basic. For the eyes, I applied a light amount of orange eyeshadow all around the top and bottom of the eyes with no other colour added. I also went with quite a bright shade of orange for the lips to make the colour pop on the face. I am going to keep this face more tanned like in the previous design rather than really white and pale so I would probably mix Aqua Colour with a darker shade of foundation again. I'm not sure whether this look would suit false eyelashes or just mascara on it's own more yet but I'm going to test it out and find out.

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