Tuesday 3 November 2015

Final Design Inspiration

Gold Eyebrows
As I described in my lady in waiting character choice, Bess was a powerful woman and although she had very light eyebrows that were hardly noticeable, I think that she would suit gold eyebrows as the colour of gold shows power and I want to add a modern twist to my makeup design.

Dark Lips
I think my character would suit a dark lip as she is quite mysterious and manipulative. She also wears a lot of black clothing as this represents power. For the colour, I was thinking about either a dark red shade or a dark purple. With the gold eyebrows, I think either of these lip shades will work perfectly.


Gold Contouring
I'm not sure yet if I want my makeup to consist of gold contouring but I am considering it as a potential design idea for my look. I think this would look really good with the gold eyebrows but I think it may also look too much but I thought I would get some inspirational images anyway.



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