Wednesday 25 November 2015

My final design

For my final design, I chose my first design. After doing my research on ladies in waiting and choosing Bess of Hardwick, I came up with three face chart ideas that I think would suit her and her personality. My first idea involved what I think is a contemporary version of a typical Elizabethan makeup look. It included the white foundation which was very popular at the time Queen Elizabeth I was reigning. I also chose to keep the Elizabethan eyebrows and cheeks, I blocked out the eyebrows using white foundation to give the illusion that they were not there as Elizabethans had very thin, barely noticeable eyebrows. Blush was also very popular during this time and the people wore it very thick on their faces to make it very noticeable, I chose to do this with a bright pink/slightly red-ish blush. To go more contemporary, I decided I would use orange eyeshadow. Gold was a sign of power and wealth back in the Elizabethan era and I decided to take this into consideration but make it slightly more contemporary/catwalk and change the colour to bright orange. I applied the eyeshadow starting in the middle of the top eyelid and bringing it round and under to the same place underneath the eye. I thought this would look really good as the bright orange would represent a gold shade for wealth. I also decided to add pink contour on the forehead and on the jawline and finished the look off with a deep purple/maroon lipstick.

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