Wednesday 25 November 2015

Alexander McQueen 2009/2010

'That was the kind of show that puts your faith back in fashion.' This was a quote about 2009/2010 Alexander McQueen's Autumn/Winter Ready to Wear show by Vogue fashion editor Miranda Almond.

The show was titled 'Horn of Plenty' and showed gothic style makeup and clothing. The makeup on the runway was described as 'Marilyn Manson makeup with white faces and high glossy lips.' The models were wearing huge platform shoes in red to match the lips, they had accessories in their hair such as umbrellas, lampshades and pieces of shiny rubber and lace. One model was seen walking down the runway wearing a plastic bag over her head which hid her face.

You can see the makeup in this image here. The model is sporting a pale, white face and it also looks like her eyebrows have been covered and her eyelashes are white too. To finish the look, the model is wearing a bright red lip and her lips have been overgrown and look slightly like a clown's mouth.

The dresses were all either black, white or red or a combination and majority included a weird pattern all over or was just plain. The clothing kind of reminds me of the type of outfits Morticia Adams would be seen wearing in The Addams family. One website described one  of the models as looking like Cruella de Vil.

There were several different outfits including dresses, pants and long coats or a jumpsuit. Majority of the outfits fashioned a high collar which reminded me of Elizabethan clothing. Some of the outfits I thought resembled a contemporary version of Elizabethan clothing as women back in that era liked to wear black or dark clothing as it was meant to show power. There were also some accessories that reminded of this era as well such as black feathered headpieces and another model rocking a black wig which reminded me of Queen Elizabeth I herself as she was known for loving wigs and hairpieces.

The last two dresses to go down the catwalk were made completely of feathers, one black and one white. The white one had a skirt which was lifted at the back and brought round to hide the model's head. I really liked every one of the outfits, he truly worked hard to make every outfit look completely different but going with the flow of using one theme and sticking to it. They all fitted in well with each other and the catwalk was constantly bringing out another surprise outfit which blew your mind and surprised you every time it came out from backstage.

    This was one of the last dresses that came out from backstage, 

this was made completely out of feathers and resembles a raven which is feisty and powerful.

This shows a black and red patterned dress and the model wearing a black material around her head to completely cover her face. It looks like a mesh material and I think it works well.

This was also one of the last pieces to come onto the catwalk. This one reminds me the most of Elizabethan style clothing as Elizabeth loved wearing feathers on her dresses and also the way the dress is turned up at the back reminds me of the Queen's high collared ruffs.


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