Monday 16 November 2015

Elizabethan Makeup Practise

In class, we looked at typical Elizabethan makeup. We created a look similar to what the Elizabethan women would have worn in that Era. We took some inspiration from the research we had looked at so far which included a very white face base, bleached eyebrows, white eyelashes, a pink rosy cheek and rosy red lips.


I started off by using Illamasqua Matte primer on the face and then applied Illamasqua Skin Base foundation in shade 01 (white). I blended this all over my partner;s face by applying the product to the centre of the face and then blending it outwards and down the neck slightly and up towards the hair line. I didn't blend the foundation up high enough into my partner's hairline so that's something I need to practise more on.

This was my final Elizabethan look. After applying the base, I buffed a white translucent powder under her eyes and down her nose to set the foundation. I then took my Kryolan blush palette and took the darkest pink shade and buffed the product onto my hand first before applying it to my model's face to make sure there wasn't too much product and it wouldn't come out too harsh on her face. After this, I applied it to her face in a circle motion to create a harsh but slightly blended circle under her cheekbones. The next step was to take my Kryolan Supra Colour in shade white and scraping some product onto my palette and twirl a mascara wand in it and brushing it through her eyebrows until they created a blocked out look. I then took a clean mascara wand and dipping it in the same colour, applied it to her top and bottom eyelashes. For the lips, I went with a slightly more pink colour rather than bright red.

The final outcome. I am pleased with this look and I think it turned out well. There are a few things I think I could have worked on to make better. When applying the translucent powder over the foundation, I found that the product moved slightly and when I tried to apply more foundation on top, it made the skin look patchy and not blended. I think I could have also covered the brow hairs more with the white foundation, this will be useful to know next time so I can practise on these to make the look perfect. 

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